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The PMDD Diaries

Welcome PMDD Tribe.

I created this podcast for anyone who suffers from PMDD and those that have a spouse who suffers from PMDD. PMDD is a part of us, but it's not who we are!

My mission is to help women that suffer from PMDD live happier lives and feel more in control!! 

Jul 16, 2019

You can't pour from an empty cup, and if you have PMDD, your empty cup will fire PMDD right on up. Pushing you into the backseat. 

In this episode, I touch on how important it is to fill your cup-something many of us don't do. We get so caught up in the everyday mundane and doing for others that often we forget to do for ourselves. In doing this, it will cause us to hit rock bottom, or have one of those manic PMDD episodes. It's time to end the excuses and fill your fucking cup! 


Side Notes:

I have a free guide for you! 

6 Tips that may make hell week a little more tolerable!

You can download it for free by visiting the link below.


Journaling! I am obsessed with it because it changed my life and helped aid in my healing process! So, I created a PMDD Diary! In hopes, it will help you along your journey to healing. 

You can purchase your PMDD Diary by visiting the link below.


One last thing. If you are looking for a tribe of amazing ladies that like to keep in positive. Join us on Facebook.


* Please note- I AM NOT A MEDICAL DOCTOR. I provide inspiration, tools, and coaching only. I, however, cannot treat your PMDD. Please consult a medical professional if you feel you PMDD is something you can't control on your own.