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The PMDD Diaries

Welcome PMDD Tribe.

I created this podcast for anyone who suffers from PMDD and those that have a spouse who suffers from PMDD. PMDD is a part of us, but it's not who we are!

My mission is to help women that suffer from PMDD live happier lives and feel more in control!! 

Jan 6, 2020

Okay, ladies, you are going to want a pen and paper for this episode. I am giving you my final PMDD take-aways.

And, yes, you read correctly. This is indeed the final episode. I explain why. I will miss you, I love you all and want to thank you for being loyal listeners. If you enjoyed this podcast, you would love the new one even more!!! To stay tuned and get all the 411 on the new podcast, follow me on Instagram.

To take advantage of the level up to level out  PMDD coaching program, please visit


If you don't join for the new podcast that will be launching soon, thank you! I will miss you, and I love you! Rember, you got this!