Apr 9, 2019
Today I am chatting with the beautiful Adrienne Pastula Peer Support Provider and Administrative assistant for IAPMD.
Adrienne shares her PMDD journey and had some great 411 about PMDD to share with us.
Writing Contest: https://iapmd.org/blog/pam-2019-writing-contest
For more information on Conventional treatments and studies on PMDD, please visit:https://iapmd.org/
Interested in the monk fruit Adrienne speaks of in this episode? You can find it here. https://www.lakanto.com/?aff=27&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIweDqvqC14QIVxLrACh3RRwXWEAAYAiAAEgLY9vD_BwE&fbclid=IwAR1y9GEJ4LCUTuJPGsBzI0bogjCuABAM3lMmLiwokeQ89Z17JBVxerRZV7w
Looking for a positive vibe and inspiration. Please join The PMDD facebook community https://www.facebook.com/groups/PMDDTRIBE/