May 29, 2024
Ladies, I am taking a break from social media and the podcast for the month of July. I am honoring where I am at, and you should honor whatever it is you are feeling as well!
May 20, 2024
In every moment of every day, you have a choice to decide what you focus on and the meaning you give it. You can either continue to label yourself and believe what you read or what others tell you, or you can make your own decisions and create your own beliefs.
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May 7, 2024
Feeling bored, unwanted, or disconnected in a marriage or relationship is normal. Let's talk about it. What's not NORMAL is remaining disconnected.
Lets stay connected
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Apr 29, 2024
Are you ready for some honest conversation? I love talking to doctors who focus on the holistic side of things. In this episode, Dr. Elizabeth Davidson and I discuss topics related to hormones, blood tests, Dutch tests, and antidepressants. You might want to take notes while listening to this one!
Want to connect with...
Apr 18, 2024
IIn this episode, I share my personal experience with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), a condition that can cause us to say and do things that we would never say or do if it weren't PMDD time. Sometimes, I forget how severe these moments can be. However, I want you to know that you are not alone. Almost all of us...