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The PMDD Diaries

Welcome PMDD Tribe.

I created this podcast for anyone who suffers from PMDD and those that have a spouse who suffers from PMDD. PMDD is a part of us, but it's not who we are!

My mission is to help women that suffer from PMDD live happier lives and feel more in control!! 

Dec 29, 2018

In this episode, I talk about my huge reality check and how food can have a positive or negative effect on our PMDD. 

Dec 18, 2018

The Mind is a powerful thing! in this episode I share a tip that has helped me minimize my symptoms of PMDD. It's woo woo, but guess what it freaking works! 

Dec 15, 2018

Welcome Welcome! I am so happy you are here. I wanted to create something that helps women with PMDD! Women with PMDD feel misunderstood, crazy, and, alone. Along with a huge list of other things. 

PMDD( Premenstrual dysphoric disorder) Diaries is a podcast for women that suffer from PMDD and their spouses. I want to...