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The PMDD Diaries

Welcome PMDD Tribe.

I created this podcast for anyone who suffers from PMDD and those that have a spouse who suffers from PMDD. PMDD is a part of us, but it's not who we are!

My mission is to help women that suffer from PMDD live happier lives and feel more in control!! 

May 14, 2019

Yay! I am so excited to be chatting about relationships today. For those of you that don't know, I am a certified relationship coach. So any topic relationship related is my jam! It's what I know well. 

Today, I will be talking about the role you play in your relationship. There is no sugar coating here. It's time to get real, raw and honest. So, let's do it. 


On a side note, have you ordered your PMDD Diary yet? Journaling is another thing that I love. Journaling plays a big part in my life. Journaling is what helped me figure out my shit! So, I created a journal/diary for you to figure out yours! It's simple, yet so powerful.

You can order your PMDD Diary by visiting the link below: 


One more thing

Come join us on facebook:

Okay! Now let's dive into the episode.